Navigating Mental Health as an Entrepreneur
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

Navigating Mental Health as an Entrepreneur

Marcela Quintero, CEO at Probity Marketing, explores the intersection of entrepreneurship and mental health, sharing personal insights and strategies to help small business owners thrive.

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Reflections on Project Drawdown: A Brighter Future
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

Reflections on Project Drawdown: A Brighter Future

We at Probity Marketing recognize the urgent need to address global warming and reduce humanity's carbon footprint. By supporting our clients to implement sustainable strategies and newer technologies, we can address global warming, save money, create jobs, and prevent pollution. We can create a more sustainable future for all by seeking win-win solutions, read on to discover some actions your company or organization can take to help achieve drawdown.

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The Fight for Equality in the Workplace
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

The Fight for Equality in the Workplace

Probity Marketing believes in achieving true equality in the workforce by prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. By creating a safe environment, promoting pay equity, and providing mentorship opportunities, we can break down systemic barriers and create a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.

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Sustainable Gift Giving this Holiday Season
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

Sustainable Gift Giving this Holiday Season

While October through December tends to bring celebratory cheer to many, it also brings an uptick in waste production - about 25% per person on average, according to the EPA. If you want to be more eco-conscious this holiday season, read up on our tips on sustainable gift-giving!

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The Secret to Successful Entrepreneurship: Rest
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

The Secret to Successful Entrepreneurship: Rest

There’s always something on the docket or an unexpected task that takes away from your personal time. Still, lack of rest will eventually catch up and lead to burnout or illness, be it mental or physical. In the long run, the secret to being a productive and successful entrepreneur is not working yourself ragged but rather taking the proper time to rest, however counterproductive that may seem.

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First Year in Review: Lessons from Entrepreneurship
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

First Year in Review: Lessons from Entrepreneurship

I can’t believe a year has already passed since Probity was officially incorporated on August 18th, 2021. The entrepreneurial journey is definitely a challenging one but filled with empowering moments that have brought on so much growth, both professionally and personally.

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The State of Sustainability: A Social Responsibility
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

The State of Sustainability: A Social Responsibility

Sustainability is a term frequently used in political and business circles since its inception over two decades ago, yet it has come to mean many things to different people. For us at Probity Marketing, sustainability goes beyond the environment and into social equality; one can't exist without the other. In our most recent blog post we decided to shed some light on social sustainability and what that means to us. Whether you are an entrepreneur or just a community member, we all share the responsibility of leaving this planet in a better state through our actions.

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How to Be a True Corporate Ally in the Era of Rainbow-Washing.
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

How to Be a True Corporate Ally in the Era of Rainbow-Washing.

Rainbow-washing is a form of performative allyship that is pervasive in the business world, with copious amounts of corporations slapping a rainbow on their logo during pride month. If you're a business owner looking to become a better ally in the workplace without reverting to rainbow-washing, read on for some top tips.

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Why We Need to Protect 30% of the Ocean by 2030.
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

Why We Need to Protect 30% of the Ocean by 2030.

30x30 is an ambitious target created by the 2014 World Parks Congress to reclassify at least 30% of the Ocean as highly protected marine areas by 2030. Establishing 30% of the world’s oceans as MPAs is essential for production and prosperity that benefits people, nature and the economy. Sustainability is a crucial pillar at Probity Marketing, yet all business leaders can positively impact our oceans' health.

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What is Brand Repositioning? And more importantly, is it for you?
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

What is Brand Repositioning? And more importantly, is it for you?

We recently decided to combine some of our expertise (brand audit, visual brand identity creation, and communication strategy) to offer a new service: Brand (Re) Positioning. On this blog, we deep dive into what brand repositioning is, its benefits, and whether this is something you should be exploring for your business.

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What is a B Corporation?
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

What is a B Corporation?

B Corp stands for Benefit Corporation. The easiest way to think of a B Corp is as the intersection between a C Corp and a non-profit. However, contrary to non-profits, a B Corp isn’t focused on a specific public good cause and it isn’t limited when it comes to making profit. A B Corp is a normal business organization that seeks to build value for all stakeholders.

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Ethical Marketing Done Right
Marcela Quintero Aguirre Marcela Quintero Aguirre

Ethical Marketing Done Right

Incorporating ethical marketing into your overall business strategy will enable you to not only attract the right customers but to build meaningful relationships with them in the long term. We put together 4 guidelines to follow if you want to ensure you’re heading in the right direction.

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