Virtual Holiday

CLIENT: Women in Toys, Licensing and Entertainment

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global non-profit organization WIT hit a roadblock in the planning of their annual Holiday Celebration. How to create a meaningful and engaging event in the time of curfews and lock-downs across Canada? Enter Probity Marketing.

What We Did.

  • Event Design

  • Creation of Marketing Collateral

  • Supplier Research and Negotiation

  • Shipping Logistics

  • Event Execution


A sold-out hybrid event that brought together members of the organization across the US and Canada. Each member received ahead of the event a box with a selection of local cheeses and cider. The live event consisted of a virtual cheese tasting experience led by Canadian Cheese Ambassador David Beaudoin, and an inspiring talk by keynote speaker Sarah Jordan, CEO of Mastermind Toys.


Social Media Strategy